Questions Our Customers Ask…
Why should I seal coat my asphalt pavement?

Sealcoating prevents water from penetrating the surface of your pavement. When water seeps in and freezes, cracks occur and your pavement begins to break up. A properly applied layer of seal coat protects the asphalt and minimizes the impact of exposure to the elements.

A uniformly applied seal coat provides a smooth, even surface and helps to beautify your property. It also preserves and extends the life of your asphalt.

How often should I seal coat my driveway?
We recommend a repeat sealcoat every 3 to 5 years to extend the life of your asphalt surface. However, depending on the degree of your driveway’s weather exposure, upon inspection, we may tell you to wait another year. We want what’s best for you and will never sell you something you don’t need. That’s why our business continues to grow for over 15 years!


How long should I expect my asphalt to last?
Asphalt surfaces may only last 15 years due to exposure to the harsh sun, fluctuating temperatures, and freezing conditions. However, if properly maintained from a professional application of seal coating, you can extend the life of your asphalt surfaces to 25 to 30 years. Good maintenance will save you money over time.
How long will it take to sealcoat my driveway?
It all depends on the size of your driveway. A good rule of thumb is roughly one hour for every 1,000 square feet.
How long do I have to wait before I can use my driveway once the sealcoat has been applied?
We recommend 48 hours before using to allow the material to completely dry and set. However, in some cases, 24 hours may be sufficient.
Some companies apply two coats, why do you only apply one? Isn’t two better?
Most companies spray the material onto a driveway for two reasons: It’s quicker and uses less product, even when sprayed a second time. We apply the material by hand and brush it in three directions for a deeper penetration and thicker coverage. We do what’s best for you, not what’s easier for us.
Is the sealcoat water or oil-based?
Oil-based sealcoat should not be used in Colorado. At Seals and Stripes, we use a latex-based sealcoat product with a proprietary mixture to achieve longer lasting results in both color and durability.
What happens if it rains?
We constantly monitor the weather. If there is a chance that it might rain, we will not attempt to sealcoat any surface. Rain will result in a wash out/run off of the product. Once the sealcoat has “set” or is dry, rain will not affect the results.